Pret met de Wet

As part of the 48-hour film competition Rotterdam, I joined a team of mostly first-time competitors (myself included) as screenwriter and co-editor. Our assigned was to make a comedy short film containing:

– The character Robbie, a repeat-offense criminal

– A trophy of some sort (does not have to be literal)

– The line: “Die zag ik niet aankomen.” (“I did not see that coming.”)

I also created the images you see at the start of the film on Robbie’s Instagram feed. You can check them out in more detail here.

For this film, I won the award for “Best use of character.” This was the category where they rewarded the best/most original interpretation of the required character that everyone in the competition had to include in their film. Since it was my first time competing, I was very proud to take home an award while there were many seasoned competitors among the many teams that competed.

Film written and co-edited by me

Premiered in September 2021